Rodents are creatures that naturally seek shelter in nests. The construction of nests provides them with a protective environment, rendering them less susceptible to alterations in their surroundings, such as variations in sound, light, motion, and temperature. The presence of nests instills a sense of security, leading to a decrease in aggressive behavior and making the animals more manageable, consequently reducing instances of cannibalism. This diminished stress contributes to enhanced weight gain, overall well-being, and contentment, making these animals more suitable subjects for research.
- Designed specifically to meet the needs of rodents themselves as well as those of the technicians
- Soft and absorbent
- Retains warmth
- Non-irritating even to new-born young
- Virtually pathogen free and can be autoclaved
- Shredding action provides natural activity and exercise
- Sterilised during manufacture and clean packed
- Certificate of analysis on request
We are here to answer any questions you may have. Lab Supply has four locations to serve you including Fort Worth, TX, Houston, TX, Orlando, FL, and Durham, NC.
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