Bed-r'Nest Enrichment BeddingPortion Controlled - Provides consistent amount of nesting materia..
Bio-Serv Gummy Bones
Certified (Contaminant Screened)
Made of Polyurethane
Provides gn..
Bio-Tunnels for Mice, CardboardMade of 100% recycled pulp paper
Very economical sheltering, nestin..
Cardboard Bio-Tunnels for RatsMade of 100% recycled pulp paper
Very economical sheltering, nesting ..
Crink-l'Nest For RodentsEnvironmentally Friendly | Manufactured from paper which is biode..
Enviro-dri Enrichment BeddingConsistent quality - Enviro-dri® is a controlled, manufactured product ..
Manzanita Wood Gnawing Sticks
Made of natural Manzanita hardwood
Extremely durable and long-..
Nylabone Pro Action Bone
Made of nylon and polyurethaneMultiple textures clean teethColors and move..
Shepherd Shacks’ provide an activity center for mice to climb on. They can also be chewed and shredd..
Rodent Nesting Sheets, Certified Certified (Contaminant Screened)
Pure: Made of 100% virg..
Shepherd Shack
Shepherd Shacks provide an activity center for mice to climb on. They can also be ch..
Wood Gnawing Blocks, Certified
Certified (Contaminant Screened)
Made of high-quality kiln-drie..
A revolutionary new enrichment bedding from the people who brought you ALPHA-dri®
Shepherd ALPHA Twist EnrichmentThe Premiere Rodent Enrichment and Nesting MaterialALPHA-twist™ is co..
Introducing a Better, Cleaner, Nesting Enrichment Product
Enhanced environmental enrich..
Dried Cranberries-Sweetened
100% natural human food grade product
Conveniently packaged with..
Enrich-n'Nest Made from virgin white paper. Unfurling promotes enrichment and nesting. Enhanced..
The Hide N' Seek Shelter, Certified is a very easy to assemble cardboard (slot design), triangular s..
Rodents are creatures that naturally seek shelter in nests. The construction of nests provides them ..
Shred-n’Rich Nesting + Enrichment aids in Thermogeulation and decreases Animal Stress
Showing 1 to 20 of 22 (2 Pages)