Airlite Animal Bedding
Airlite animal bedding is the healthy choice for a variety of animals including performance horses, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and more.
With no dust or allergens this bedding is perfect for use at veterinary schools and hospitals, laboratories, animals with respiratory symptoms or illnesses, enclosed barns, and much more.
AIRLITE is truly the healthiest bedding on the planet for these reasons and more:
- It has no dust or allergens
- AIRLITE is 4 times more absorbent than shavings
- It composts to dirt in 4-6 weeks
- AIRLITE has a life 3x that of shavings
- One bag of AIRLITE compares to two bags of shavings
- It keeps the ammonia out of the atmosphere better than shavings or straw
- It is ph neutral so your pasture grass will not yellow
- AIRLITE does not bind in coats, manes, or tails
- It is the best bedding for foaling as it does not stick to foals