New Enviropak bedding packages make the process of changing rodent bedding quick and easy. Lab Supply is now providing an innovative combination of NestPaks & Enviro Dri called Enviropak. Enviropak's are autoclavable and suit any type of solid bottom cage. They are also available certified and irradiated. This product is...
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Enviro-dri allows mice and rats to participate in their natural nesting behaviors. Enviro-dri is a controlled, manufactured product made up of 50% recycled paper and 50% virgin kraft paper fibers to ensure consistent, high quality. Loose paper strands of paper cater to rodent's species specific behavior of nest building. Because Enviro-dri...

Crink-L'Nest bedding provides enrichment to mice and rats in their cages. Allows for tunnelling and foraging. Strands stay fluffed for optimum play. As a 100% virgin paper product, there are no cotton fibers or strands to irritate the animals. Available in natural kraft or white paper. Manufactured from paper which...